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Dokjeon 2 (2023)

Action | 114 minutes
2,70 10 votes

Genre: Action / Crime

Duration: 114 minuten

Alternative titles: Believer 2 / 독전 2

Country: South Korea

Directed by: Jong-Yeol Baek

Stars: Cho Jin-woong, Seung-Won Cha and Han Hyo-joo

IMDb score: 5,6 (2.006)

Releasedate: 5 October 2023


Dokjeon 2 plot

"Some wars never end."

Resolute police detective Won-ho continues his search for the truth about Asia's largest drug gang and its elusive boss, Mr. Lee, with whom he still has a bone to pick. At the same time, Won-ho is also targeting Brian, who has started a war with Seo Young-rak, the real Mr. Lee. The situation is further complicated with the arrival of Big Knife, whose appearance only causes chaos for Won-ho.

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