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Breathe (2023)

Action | 94 minutes
2,29 82 votes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 94 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Stefon Bristol

Stars: Jennifer Hudson, Milla Jovovich and Quvenzhané Wallis

IMDb score: 4,2 (6.758)

Releasedate: 4 April 2024

Breathe plot

"Time is running out."

Since Earth lacks oxygen, Maya and her daughter Zora live underground. An oxygen suit created by her husband Darius allows Maya to stay above the Earth's surface for a short period of time. Darius himself is presumed dead by his family until a couple crosses their path and claims to know him.

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  • 2151 messages
  • 2049 votes

Mediocre thriller. The story has a fairly original angle, but is otherwise quite simple. The effect is weak. Despite the threat, there is somehow little to no tension. There is some improvement towards the end, but it is far too little for a thriller. The acting is decent and as previously mentioned, Worthington has a fairly laughable role. Visually quite successful given the limited budget. 2.0/2.5

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  • 117 messages
  • 103 votes

Hmm, mediocre movie. Beautiful surroundings and decors, but the story could have been more. The main characters don't really fit. Milla normally hunts zombies and other unearthly creatures and she doesn't fit in in this similar environment. Sam has a totally weird role. Let them jump out of a flying helicopter with a bazooka and then play a bad guy.

Luckily it was over before you knew it.

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