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Avgrunden (2023)

Action | 103 minutes
2,60 124 votes

Genre: Action / Drama

Duration: 103 minuten

Alternative title: The Abyss

Country: Finland / Sweden

Directed by: Richard Holm

Stars: Tuva Novotny, Kardo Razzazi and Peter Franzén

IMDb score: 5,3 (9.922)

Releasedate: 15 September 2023


Avgrunden plot


Frigga works as head of security at the world's largest underground mine in the Swedish city of Kiruna. She tries to find a balance between her family, her new love Dabir and an ex who doesn't want to let go of the past. But when the ground suddenly begins to shake beneath their feet, the puzzle of life no longer matters and Frigga begins the struggle to avoid being swept into the abyss.

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avatar van cdman19800


  • 173 messages
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I thought this was really poorly acted and directed. Shame.

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avatar van james_cameron


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Not so good unfortunately. I'm always up for a fun disaster movie, but this one falls short in terms of content and visuals, despite the reportedly hefty budget. The main problem is that the focus is not on the situations surrounding a huge underground mine in the Swedish city of Kiruna, but on the family affairs of the main character (an unsympathetic Tuva Novotny). That stuff nags throughout the entire film. Halfway through, the film still threatens to become exciting, but the spectacle is over before it really gets going. However, you still have to try to stay awake during the agonizing last half hour, with a half-baked rescue operation in a collapsed school building.

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avatar van AniSter


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A Scandinavian "disaster film". I expected a little more from this, partly because of the announcements in the various media. There were quite a few nice animations and the accompanying sounds in Dolby Atmos were thunderous. But in terms of story it wasn't much: a predictable family drama with in fact only two scenes that were much too long; in the cave and in the school. Shame.

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