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A Breed Apart (1984)

Action | 95 minutes
2,56 58 votes

Genre: Action / Drama

Duration: 95 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Philippe Mora

Stars: Rutger Hauer, Powers Boothe and Kathleen Turner

IMDb score: 5,6 (1.997)

Releasedate: 1 June 1984


A Breed Apart plot

"One Man Protects a Secret. The Other Tries To Steal It. And Only One Woman Can Stop Them from Destroying Each Other. Together They Are . . . A Breed Apart."

Jim Malden (Rutger Hauer) is a former Vietnam veteran and now conservationist who gets into a fight with a mountaineer. Inset are some specimens of an eagle race. The battle is completely out of control.

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Bland nature film. Boothe is a fine actor and Pleasance has a nice supporting role, but the build-up is long-winded and misses the mark.


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Not really a high-quality drama, but one that still looked away quite nicely. The latter was mainly due to the cast in the form of a young Rutger Hauer and Kathleen Turner, who was still beautiful at the time. However, the one who plays the best is Powers Boothe. The story isn't that great (in the 80s there were many films about former Vietnam veterans who are more or less isolated in America) but the execution was quite reasonable.

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After principal filming was completed in North Carolina, the reels of film were shipped back to Los Angeles, California by plane. However, one of the four reels never arrived, causing some problems during editing. This explains why some subplots are incomplete, and the character of Jim Malden is not fully fleshed out. Personally, I expected a lot more tension, but this weakens considerably halfway through the film.

2.5 *

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