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The Edge (1997)

Action | 117 minutes
3,30 1.099 votes

Genre: Action / Adventure

Duration: 117 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Lee Tamahori

Stars: Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin

IMDb score: 6,9 (81.476)

Releasedate: 6 September 1997

The Edge plot

"They were fighting over a woman when the plane went down. Now, their only chance for survival is each other."

Wealthy Charles Morse accompanies his beautiful wife Mickey for a photoshoot in Alaska. The shoot is made by Robert Green. To find specific Indians for the shoot, Green, Morse and another photographer fly to good locations. On the way, they are attacked by birds and crash into a lake. To survive in the woods where a murderous bear hangs out, they must be able to rely on each other. Morse is the only one with the knowledge that could save them. Morse suspects Green is having an affair with his wife. This creates complications in their quest for survival, where they constantly encounter a dangerous bear.

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  • 11693 messages
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Millionaire Charles Morse (Anthony Hopkins) loves his beautiful wife Mickey Morse (Elle Macpherson) and has a wealth of book knowledge, which comes in handy when he crashes into the wilds of New York with photographer Robert Green (Alec Baldwin) and assistant Stephen (Harold Perrineau). Alaska.

A large voracious bear shows up, which makes for some spectacular scenes. Even more dangerous than nature are the men among themselves. This Action / Adventure film playfully deals with conventions and clichés and scores with atmospheric pictures of the harsh natural beauty.

Excellent acting by Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin, and also by Bart the Bear, a 770 kilo brown bear, who previously played star roles in "The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986)" and "L'Ours (1988)".

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Less survival.

I would never have watched this one if a person I know hadn't recorded it. But he never watched it again, so I started it for fun. Low expectations, but in the end I didn't think this was too much.

Story still sounds interesting, but it is actually immediately noticeable that not much has been done visually. Of course to make it all a bit more realistic, but that doesn't make it any better and that's why it's all quite ugly visually.

The camera use in particular is bad, poorly imaged and annoying movements with it. Even had an amateurish feel to it at times. Fortunately, the beautiful nature makes up for it, beautiful area where they film this and sometimes good use is made of it.

Too bad the film just doesn't get the most out of its idea. This could have been very exciting, or very challenging or confrontational, but none of them worked out well. With such a bear, a real bear called 'Bart the Bear' you can do amazing things. Although filming with such a bear will not be too easy.

There could have been a lot of threat from the bear, and sometimes it is oppressive. However, the scenes that were meant to be really exciting were shot too short or too chaotic (camera work again). But the bear itself is a nice choice.

Hopkins acts well, Baldwin also reasonable. Baldwin often laughs very forced and that is immediately noticeable. Perrineau also not very convincing, just a bit too wooden sometimes. The star of the movie is, of course, actually the bear himself, mainly because the idea that he's real is fun.

At times it can be oppressive here and there and you get well into the story towards the end. Therefore still a 2.5 *.

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Beautiful movie! A psychological drama, in the guise of an adventure film. And I did feel sorry for that person who owned an airplane!

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