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Strange Days (1995)

Scifi | 145 minutes
3,36 500 votes

Genre: Scifi / Thriller

Duration: 145 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Kathryn Bigelow

Stars: Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett and Juliette Lewis

IMDb score: 7,2 (80.388)

Releasedate: 13 October 1995


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Strange Days plot

"New Year’s Eve 1999. Anything is possible. Nothing is forbidden."

1999: During the last days of the old Millennium, Lenny Nero, an ex-cop, is a dealer of data discs. These discs contain recordings of memories and emotions. One day he receives a disc containing the memories of a murderer who kills a prostitute. Lenny investigates and gets deeper and deeper into a circle of blackmail, murder and rape.

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  • 252 messages
  • 201 votes

Film from the same producer sleeve as the Terminator series. Directed by a then-protegee of James Cameron, Kathryn Bigelow.

Typical atmospheric and catchy film in a futuristic setting, when the upcoming Millennium change was seen as something mystical. Film from (1995) is set in the last days of 1999, in which society is portrayed in a somewhat too gloomy anarchist atmosphere. Still, the film starts off very well with a raw cityscape in the background and the fact of reliving someone else's last moments in life even through the eyes of a murderer.

Film makes an impression and works steadily towards a climax. However, the ending could have been a bit more original instead of the average finale that it turned out to be.

Ralph Fiennes and Angela Bassett are strong in their roles, as are some of the other supporting roles.

An original quality film with some clichés in the finale could have been more original.

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The film only gets interesting from the murder of the hooker. The preceding part with an explanation of the technological gadget is not for me, however much that is essential for the rest of the film. The second part, with its surprising twists, is an exciting thriller.

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Excellent film about a trader in films that let the viewer experience everything. Beautiful camera work (especially the pov movies). An original story that is well developed and remains entertaining. The whole setting (police violence in LA) works well and the time element (last day of 1999) also makes the film exciting. Also a great cast with secretly quite a few familiar names.

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