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Snow Dogs (2002)

Comedy | 99 minutes
2,56 628 votes

Genre: Comedy / Adventure

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: Canada / United States

Directed by: Brian Levant

Stars: Cuba Gooding Jr., James Coburn and M. Emmet Walsh

IMDb score: 5,2 (29.127)

Releasedate: 18 January 2002

Snow Dogs plot

"Get ready for mush hour!"

When Miami dentist Ted Brooks finds out he's named in a will, he travels to Alaska to get his share. When he arrives, however, it turns out that he has been given a team of sled dogs. The mountain man Thunder Jack is eager to have the dogs for himself, and he urges Ted to return to a warmer climate. However, he decides to learn to race the dogs.

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  • 38830 messages
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Moderate comedy, mainly aimed at dog lovers.

The story is decent, but the humor is mostly bland and the ending is of course extremely predictable. Cuba Gooding Jr. is from a nice actor in the making, sentenced for the last ten years to these kinds of films, in which he often proves that he is not really a comedic talent. This is also the case in this film in which he is more often annoying than really nice. James Coburn does a nice job, but you wonder what he's doing in a movie like this. Fortunately, there are still the dogs, who do their best and are certainly nice to see. The film itself has its moments, thanks mainly to a funny supporting role by Sisqo, but this sweet drama is nowhere to be found.

The dogs, Sisqo and the beautiful surroundings make sure that this film is still quite bearable.


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Very nice movie that I have seen a lot (a long time ago when it was just out). Very funny and quite good for a movie like this. especially because it is still a bit quiet for a comedy. good movie.

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An excellent film that is well executed despite a poor plot. Cuba Gooding Jr. is clearly in its element. Not really a high flyer but still good Christmas entertainment.

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