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The Dirty Dozen (1967)

War | 150 minutes
3,53 706 votes

Genre: War / Action

Duration: 150 minuten

Alternative title: De Twaalf Veroordeelden

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: Robert Aldrich

Stars: Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson and Ernest Borgnine

IMDb score: 7,7 (81.133)

Releasedate: 15 June 1967

The Dirty Dozen plot

"Train them! Excite them! Arm them!...Then turn them loose on the Nazis!"

It is 1944 and the Allied armies are ready to launch a massive invasion against the Germans. Before D-Day, the English want to have a few more secret missions carried out by convicted criminals. They have to parachute into the enemy area and destroy certain things. But first, the criminals must undergo training so that they are ready for their mission.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Maj. John Reisman

Maj. Gen. Worden

Joseph Wladislaw

Robert Jefferson

Victor Franko

Sergeant Bowren

Major Max Armbruster

Pedro Jiminez

Captain Stuart Kinder

Col. Everett Dasher Breed

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  • 12476 messages
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Good film in which an appeal is made to the help of a group of criminals for a military operation. Although the film is well constructed, it could have been a bit shorter. A decent portion of humor and the action is largely saved until the end. Entertaining characters filled in by a cast with quite a few well-known names.

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Roger Thornhill

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Taking my father to the cinema for the great classics of the 60s: The magnificent seven, The guns of Navarone, The good the bad and the ugly, Where eagles dare, Thunderball... and that included The dirty dozen as well. Ridiculously long running time, and with several stars among the military who get far too little to do (Ryan, Borgnine, Kennedy, Webber, Meeker), but the scenes with tough prisoners among themselves are still effective, and with Marvin, Bronson, Sutherland and Cassavetes are always right (but if the latter got an Oscar nomination, Savalas would have deserved one too). Still fun entertainment with ragged edges, and the director carefully avoids any form of sentimentality (and also lets eleven of the 12 unwashed die without batting an eyelid). Oh, and by the way, TRINI LOPEZ?!?

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