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Sahara (1983)

Adventure | 111 minutes
2,11 28 votes

Genre: Adventure / Drama

Duration: 111 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom

Directed by: Andrew V. McLaglen

Stars: Brooke Shields, Horst Buchholz and Lambert Wilson

IMDb score: 4,9 (2.164)

Releasedate: 1 December 1983

Sahara plot

"She challenged the desert, its men, their passions and ignited a bold adventure."

North Africa, in the 1920s. Dale, a beautiful young woman, grants her father Gordon's last request and takes part in the desert race Sahara World Rally. She dresses up as a man and enrolls. Her formidable opponent is Von Glessing. Dale definitely wants to win and takes shortcuts. However, she is captured by Sheikh Jaffar.

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Infantile, racist, narrow-minded ... well, superlatives fall short to describe the scenario. Very entertaining, and both the photography and the Morricone soundtrack were very worthwhile. Clearly this was a major production, at 25 million by far the most expensive Cannon movie ever. 2*

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Brooke Shields.

Everyone (well my age then) still remembers The Blue Lagoon (1980), but what happened to Shields' career after that has kind of faded into oblivion. Ever smaller roles in ever smaller productions, from film to television - that seems to be the summary. Fitting with the somewhat clichéd opinion 'she can't act' - and yes, there may be something to that. But at the time of this film, her star was still rising, and you can see where that comes from.

And with all the obvious criticism, this film is actually not that bad. Cliches are part of the genre, the production values are reasonable, the soundtrack is by Morricone, and the cast has not really been spared - up to and including Rhys-Davies who effortlessly continues his role from Raiders of the Lost Ark. And Brooke herself, of course. Still not really bad, what she shows here.

It's a pity that it all comes across as a bit lacking in authenticity - compare it to something like The Sheltering Sky (1990) for an idea of what's bothering me about it. Perhaps that is the biggest problem.

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