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Apostle (2018)

Thriller | 130 minutes
2,93 466 votes

Genre: Thriller / Horror

Duration: 130 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom

Directed by: Gareth Evans

Stars: Dan Stevens, Michael Sheen and Lucy Boynton

IMDb score: 6,3 (61.960)

Releasedate: 21 September 2018


Apostle plot

"Your god can't help you."

'Apostle' follows a man who travels to a remote island in order to rescue his sister after she is kidnapped by a religious cult. The group demands a lot of ransom to let her go. However, they underestimate what the man who is looking for her is capable of.

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  • 2198 messages
  • 2529 votes

Big fan.

The beginning is a bit like a video game. There is immediately talk of an infiltration mission, the tone is grim and the historic setting is sparsely lit by candles and lanterns. Our main character looks dogged but alert and the enemy is mentioned, but not yet identified. Although the mystery raises many questions and the film takes time for the answers, each scene is a puzzle piece in the unraveling and there is immediately a loaded tension in the air. I don't understand complaints about slowness: this is storytelling at its best.

Admittedly, the film takes some sidetracks and involves characters who may be only sideways of interest on the mainline; I found every side path worthwhile and all the characters are given solid depth. You also get a good idea of the isolating effect of the island and the oppressive rule that the occult can freely exercise over a small community like this.

Taken by the steady unraveling and focus on drama, the progression to the macabre comes as a bit of a surprise, but what a pleasant one. The icing on the cake. As Thomas infiltrates deeper and deeper into the sectarian community, the customs of the prophet, watchmen and servile villagers take on an increasingly sinister light. Through some medieval penal tools and bloody affairs, Apostle turns out to be a full-blooded horror, but with enough influences from other (sub) genres to evade the generic mediocrity that the genre often has to contend with.

Very strong and a complete surprise. One of the few films that once dares to lay a solid foundation for horror, takes the time for it and finally dares to go all out. Netflix has a good nose for horror, I'm finding that out more and more. 4.5*

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  • 7027 messages
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Let me start with the positive, the set looks good and the effects are even very good! Many bloody scenes in every detail made quite an impression.

Unfortunately, the acting was so stage-like and over the top that it made it difficult for me to get into the story, for example if the main character had to play a painful scene, this did not come across at all believable and he could only throw angry looks. The rest of the cast, fortunately with a few positive highlights, is generally not very convincing.

By the way, the tree-god person was also very poorly developed And all this in a film that lasts more than 2 hours.

I won't go further than 2 unfortunately.

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