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Ted Bundy (2002)

Thriller | 99 minutes
2,92 186 votes

Genre: Thriller / Drama

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom

Directed by: Matthew Bright

Stars: Michael Reilly Burke, Boti Bliss and Julianna McCarthy

IMDb score: 5,8 (8.350)

Releasedate: 22 November 2002

Ted Bundy plot

"Not every serial killer fits the profile."

Film based on the life of Ted Bundy, the American serial killer who murdered at least 19 women in the 1970s. At first and on the outside, Ted seems like a nice, helpful young man who does well in college and even works for a telephone helpline. But his frustrations about his origins and his increasingly difficult relationships are fatal for many beautiful young women. As he grows in the spotlight near his hometown of Seattle, he moves further and further away to get his gram...

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What's the name of the blonde lady being dragged across the floor?