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She Done Him Wrong (1933)

Comedy | 66 minutes
2,64 46 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 66 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Lowell Sherman

Stars: Mae West, Cary Grant and Owen Moore

IMDb score: 6,3 (7.265)

Releasedate: 9 February 1933

She Done Him Wrong plot

"Mae West gives a 'Hot Time' to the nation!"

New York singer and nightclub owner Lady Lou has plenty of male attention. One of her flames is a criminal on the run. He visits her, but finds out that she is not really an example of monogamy.

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The One Ring

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Mae West was best known for her verbal humor, full of double entendres and other forms of sexual references. I really like this kind of stuff and a lot of West's lyrics are genuinely funny and sharp. The problem is that She Done Him Wrong has nothing else to offer. It's hardly a film anymore, but a series of static shots in which West, often dressed in absurd dresses, does her only trick (she also sings, but it's not worth it).

If West is not speaking, there is immediately nothing left to do. I couldn't remember the story and the other actors seem to have been instructed not to have fun. Definitely don't watch this for Grant, who really gets the most boring role in the entire film here and cannot yet prove that he would later become a genius in this genre. And as mentioned, this was filmed very statically. I'm serious when I say I've seen theater stages that have more movement.

Mae West's films are not among the best remembered in history and her most famous, She Done Him Wrong, roughly explains why. After this, the production code was introduced and there was no more room for her sexual banter and that was that for the interest in West's film career. Too bad there was no real story attached to She Done Him Wrong and they didn't write the supporting roles in such a way that they were equal to West's character. Then it might have resulted in fireworks. Now it is a bit of a curiosity from another time.

But hey, the one-liners are fun.


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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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Mae West's humor is a bit dated, although it is still fun. Despite the short duration, there is little momentum in this film. Fortunately, Cary Grant stops by, but that doesn't make the film good. The result is a somewhat annoying comedy that has not stood the test of time.

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