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Judge John Deed (2001-2007)

6 seasons
4,00 31 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Crime

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: G.F. Newman

Stars: Martin Shaw, Jenny Seagrove and Louisa Clein

IMDb score: 7,6 (1.379)

Releasedate: Tuesday 9 January 2001


This TV Show is not available on US streaming services.


Judge John Deed plot

Supreme Court Judge John Deed is a fit, good-looking man in his fifties. But you can't say he's an everyday judge. He has a kind of mischievous charm that would make you almost lose sight of how intelligent he is. Due to his passion for justice and his unconventional approach, he regularly clashes with his superiors. This judge has his own way of thinking and working, and that is by no means appreciated by everyone. Yet from time to time he continues to go off the beaten track that the system tries so hard to keep him on.

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