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Derrick (1974-1998)

25 seasons
3,48 367 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Crime

Origin: Germany / West Germany

Developed by: Herbert Reinecker

Stars: Horst Tappert, Fritz Wepper and Willy Schäfer

IMDb score: 6,7 (1.894)

Releasedate: Sunday 20 October 1974


This TV Show is not available on US streaming services.


Derrick plot

Derrick is a German crime series in which Stephan Derrick, Chief Inspector at the Munich Criminal Police Department (criminal police), together with his assistant Harry Klein, solve murders. The murders often take place in rich environments.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Stephan Derrick

Harry Klein

Willi Berger

Rudolf Manger

Frau Manger

Herr Dirks

Herr Sparke

Herr Speidel


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  • 896 votes
Wednesday 29 December 2021
Derrick season 1

From Scandinavia to India people used to watch German crime scenes en masse. The highlight was this series about Kriminaloberinspektor Stephan Derrick. The names of the actors alone are legendary: Horst Tappert und Fritz Wepper! In the first episodes, the German tracking dog was not yet wearing a Rolex or glasses, and his hair was still dark gray. With his bulging eyes, he seemed to be looking inside the suspect. His loyal helper Harry Klein had a more casual style, often wore no tie. Some of the actors returned in several episodes. Helga Anders played someone else seven times.

Following the example of Columbo, the murder is shown at the beginning of the episode; so they are not whodunits. A cat-and-mouse game then unfolds between Derrick and the perpetrator, with an emphasis on psychology and dialogue. It takes place in and around Munich. The climax can be an action scene, or an ambush to prevent another murder.

The style was time-bound. Camera movements were not always stable. Typically, it was suddenly zooming in on a face or an important object. The interiors had floral wallpaper and Bakelite telephones. Sometimes there was a naked stripe, within the limits of what was allowed on TV at the time. The jingle of Les Humphries starts off exciting, then suddenly switches to a slower tempo. Recent rock songs by Alvin Stardust and Neil Diamond have been incorporated: ganz moderne Musik! The best episodes come later, but the basic recipe is here.

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