Full cast & crew of Astrid et Raphaëlle
Here you will find an overview of the cast & crew of the Astrid et Raphaëlle series from the year 2019, including all actors, actresses and the director. When you click on the name of an actor, actress or director from the Astrid et Raphaëlle series, you can view more films and/or series by him or her. Click here for more information about the series. Click here for more information about the series.
We have made an overview that includes: actors, directors, the production team, the camera team, writers and other crew members.
Actors and actresses
Meledeen Yacoubi
Arthur Enguien
Sophia Yamna
Norah Shankar
Sylvie Filloux
Astrid Nielsen (jeune)
Jean-Baptiste Guégan
Marc Noisay
Pierre Tito Bernadin
Le Garde du corps
Laurent Lévy
Fonctionnaire Documentaliste
Zelda Rittner
Blanche Lenoir
Mohamed Rèda Jodar
Pote jeune relou 1
Arvhyn Blanchard
Pote jeune relou 2
Clément Lagouarde
Max réunion AAA
Lou Hubert
Participante réunion AAA
Pauline Brunel
Mère réunion AAA
Pierre Girard
Participant réunion AAA
Marion Lahmer
Guichetière Banque
Norman Paraisy
Agent de sécurité Parking
Melchior Carrelet
Serveur fin café
Erwann Kermorvant
Original Music Composer