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Trust Me (2017-2019)

2 seasons
3,46 12 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: Gaynor Holmes and Nicola Shindler

Stars: Jodie Whittaker, Alfred Enoch and Emun Elliott

IMDb score: 7,0 (3.275)

Releasedate: Tuesday 8 August 2017

Trust Me plot

Highly skilled and hardworking nurse Cath Hardacre has lost her job after publicly disclosing abuses at her previous workplace. Cath feels cornered and decides to take over her best friend's identity. She now poses as a ER doctor and tries to start a new life in Edinburgh, Scotland. However, this turns out to be more difficult than expected.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Cath Hardacre / Ally Sutton

Andy Brenner

Brigitte Rayne

Charlie McKee

Molly Hardacre

Mona McBride

Dr Archie Watson

Debbie Dorrell