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You Will Kill (2016)

Horror | 90 minutes
1,79 12 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 90 minuten

Alternative title: Ouija Summoning

Country: Egypt / United States

Directed by: Marwan Mokbel

Stars: Kristen Hagen, Tara Shayne and Marty Dew

IMDb score: 3,1 (526)

Releasedate: 1 January 2015

You Will Kill plot

"It has been unleashed. Regret changes nothing."

Sara had a perfect life, until an evil spirit was resurrected with a Ouija board. Now the ghost is coming after her and her loved ones. The ghost gives her a choice: either she kill someone she loves, or watch the ghost kill all her loved ones.

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avatar van Richard_Voorhees


  • 2311 messages
  • 2135 votes

Jump scares that don't work, bad acting and a plot that doesn't put the emphasis on the horror.

What remains is family drama, but that is also not of high quality.

Amateurishly put together mix of horror elements that we have previously seen in better genre films.

Not recommended.

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Fisico (moderator films)

  • 9779 messages
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This one was only taken because this film had such an interesting profile for the ongoing 'world' and 'horror challenge' on MM. A horror film from Egypt actually. But forget the sand, because there is not for a millisecond the feeling that this is an Egyptian film. It gives a 100% American feeling with a C label.

Nice, you get to hear a dilemma through a ghost and you are free to make your own choice. However, the execution and acting are not that special. And I didn't find it scary either. All a bit poor. Undersized, weak. What a potpourri of what could work, but that doesn't make a good horror movie. Shame.

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