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Witching Time (1980)

Horror | 52 minutes
2,36 7 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 52 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Don Leaver

Stars: Jon Finch, Patricia Quinn and Prunella Gee

IMDb score: 6,3 (951)

Releasedate: 13 September 1980


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Witching Time plot

David, an alcoholic composer, lives in a remote house and is depressed because he suspects his wife Mary, an actress, is cheating on him. One dark and stormy night, he is possessed by the ghost of Lucinda Jessup. It is a witch from the seventeenth century who lived on the estate. Mary takes on Lucinda and tries to save David.

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  • 9552 messages
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Slowly constructed story that seems a bit boring because there isn't much to happen. The looks of the witch and her magic to hurt David and his wife Mary seem a bit corny and not scary at all. Rather lame and laughable. Yet the story manages to remain more or less interesting until the end. But that witch was the low point of the film. 4/10

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