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Black Caesar (1973)

Crime | 87 minutes
3,15 101 votes

Genre: Crime

Duration: 87 minuten

Alternative title: The Godfather of Harlem

Country: United States

Directed by: Larry Cohen

Stars: Fred Williamson, Gloria Hendry and Art Lund

IMDb score: 6,4 (4.022)

Releasedate: 7 February 1973

Black Caesar plot

"Hail Caesar Godfather of Harlem!"

Tommy Gibbs dreams of one day becoming a big gangster. As a boy he roams the streets and when his leg is broken by a filthy cop, he decides to achieve his goal. Tommy works his way up to a big gangster and in no time the New York neighborhood Harlem is under his control. He also has the entire police force in his pocket.

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