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Man Up (2015)

Comedy | 88 minutes
3,15 520 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 88 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Ben Palmer

Stars: Lake Bell, Simon Pegg and Rory Kinnear

IMDb score: 6,8 (58.049)

Releasedate: 29 May 2015

Man Up plot

"If you can't get a date... just steal one!"

Nancy is a 34-year-old single woman who is tired of her friends' well-intentioned but fruitless couples. She travels to London to celebrate yet another magical wedding anniversary for her parents when she encounters 40-year-old divorced Jack, who mistakes her for his 24-year-old blind date. Nancy has nothing to lose and decides to join the game…

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In itself a fairly average rom-com, which is brightened up by Bell and Pegg. The chemistry between the two is nice, the humor just a bit more British than the American variants and when Kinnear also appears on the scene, this film is finally good.

Starts out a bit tough. It's only when Pegg shows up on the scene that Bell starts acting better too. The dialogues are a bit contrived but in the end fun, I found the situation humor of a slightly better level.

The film is not very surprising or unique, but it is a nice snack with two fine leads and a few successful supporting roles. Not memorable but definitely fun for once. A better version of I Give it A Year.


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john mcclane 2

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Light and pleasant comedy, with an emphasis on rom-com (which I'm not normally a fan of, because of the predictability) this was also predictable, but if you're in the mood, and you can appreciate the chemistry that shows off Pegg and Bell this is a small but nice video.

Really liked Bell's character.

I had a lot of fun with them doing something before the end.

The piano soundtrack of where is my mind is really overused .

I mean deZe , Maxence Cyrin - Where Is My Mind (The Pixies Piano Cover) - YouTube

Super unoriginal , overkill .

But it doesn't matter.

This is highly recommended for a rom-com.

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  • 31 messages
  • 67 votes

A very entertaining film, good dialogues, sometimes even bizarre but very fun!

Simon Pegg is great in this film but especially the interaction with Lake Bell is of a high level...

A movie that you can safely watch with your girlfriend, but one with a high entertainment value...

(and for the men Lake Bell is a sight to behold by the way)

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