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HannaHannah (2007)

Comedy | 77 minutes
2,87 120 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 77 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Annemarie van de Mond

Stars: Maria Kraakman, Antonie Kamerling and Janni Goslinga

IMDb score: 6,8 (191)

Releasedate: 13 May 2007


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


HannaHannah plot

When the parents' 40th wedding anniversary is organized, misfit Hannah tries every possible way to get out of it. Thanks to her new flame, or rather one-night stand Victor, she ends up at the family meeting in preparation for the big party. Victor turns out to be the ideal brother-in-law. He ignores the stunned Hannah and throws himself into the organization of the party. To make matters worse, they take the responsibility of arranging the most important part of the party, the party boat, for free. With mixed feelings, Hannah watches her family bring in her newfound friend.

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