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La Cara Oculta (2011)

Thriller | 96 minutes
3,68 352 votes

Genre: Thriller / Mystery

Duration: 96 minuten

Alternative titles: The Hidden Face / Bunker

Country: Colombia / Spain

Directed by: Andrés Baiz

Stars: Martina García, Quim Gutiérrez and Clara Lago

IMDb score: 7,3 (47.750)

Releasedate: 16 September 2011

La Cara Oculta plot

"There are doors that should never be opened."

Devastated by the disappearance of his girlfriend Belén, Adrián finds solace both in his music and in the arms of a waitress, Fabiana (Martina García). As this relationship progresses, questions arise about Belén's mysterious disappearance.

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Damn, this is a great thriller. Simple concept but wonderfully executed. That soundtrack is brilliant too. Gosh, it doesn't get much better than this. Had a lot of fun with it. I'm a bit hesitant between 4.5* or just the maximum. I think it deserves the 5* because the film has a very good suspense and atmosphere and I would have predicted the ending differently. Put it somewhere in my top 10 so that I might make the film known to other people that way.

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Before I ventured into this thriller, I first read the reviews about it and that's a good thing because I'm in the habit of watching the trailer first of a movie I want to see. If I had done that with this film, it would have made this film considerably less exciting for me, because that trailer - in hindsight! - was a huge spoiler; I'd almost say the biggest spoiler I've ever seen in a movie trailer. At least now I was quite surprised and that's how it should be in a real thriller. The film had an excellent build-up of tension and - I can't help but say - a couple of stunning women. The dog with the name Hans was also allowed to be there, although given the reputation of the previous occupant I would rather expect that it would be called Adolf. The open ending didn't fully satisfy me at first, but on the other hand, the director gives you the space to fantasize about how Fabiana could have ended. So there's nothing wrong with that.
I found La Cara Oculta slightly less than Contratiempo (2016) also a thriller of Spanish origin that I watched the day before yesterday. Highly recommended for thriller fans who haven't seen the film yet.


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more than exciting movie.

Usually I don't like Spanish-language films, but this is really an exception.

exciting until the last minute.

during the film several flashbacks, so that you find out how it works.

a very surprising ending.

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