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Three Days of the Condor (1975)

Thriller | 117 minutes
3,41 521 votes

Genre: Thriller

Duration: 117 minuten

Alternative titles: 3 Days of the Condor / 3 Dagen van de Condor

Country: United States

Directed by: Sydney Pollack

Stars: Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway and Cliff Robertson

IMDb score: 7,4 (64.903)

Releasedate: 24 September 1975

Three Days of the Condor plot

"His CIA code name is Condor. In the next seventy-two hours almost everyone he trusts will try to kill him."

A CIA investigator, codenamed 'Condor', reads books all day at work to screen them for useful/harmful information. When he comes back from getting lunch one day, all his co-workers have been killed. Condor must find out who did it before the killers find him.

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knusse stoel

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Some viewers have difficulty with the film because, in their opinion, the tension is not sufficiently high and/or remains. Had no problem with it and have now seen the film for the second time.

Ok, it's your style or not and that can be discussed but let's not get into that.

We thought it was a great film with a ditto story and our rating is a generous 7+!

And you have to deal with that.

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The bookworm, and the movie itself too. The story is exciting and believable - more believable than most spy movies. And there's a lot of subtle humor in it too, although you may have to pay close attention to pick it up. Faye Dunaway in particular brings a few that made me laugh. In any case, a beautiful role that she plays here, a somewhat underrated actress actually. Robert Redford not - underrated, I mean, but he also seems to get little credit for what I think is just a beautiful role.

Ever since I saw an interview with Sydney Pollack, I've been quite a fan of this director. But it turns out I haven't seen all his films yet, and certainly not recently. Time to catch up on that... and, quite coincidentally, I saw this movie - I was actually looking for The Day of the Jackal, so some quirk in my brain put this one on the pile . You can make worse mistakes.

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The strong first hour is canceled out by a plot that remains vague until the end and an uninteresting romance. Much of the film revolves around trust. The core of the story is inspired by the political games of the CIA and the expansion of its ruthless power apparatus that turned the 1970s into a dirty decade in the field of international politics (eg Watergate). Robert Redford once again steals the show. Well acted, could get interesting but for me it lacks pace.

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