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Terug naar Oegstgeest (1987)

Drama | 94 minutes
2,72 103 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 94 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Theo van Gogh

Stars: Tom Jansen, Geert de Jong and Cas Enklaar

IMDb score: 6,0 (186)

Releasedate: 14 September 1987


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Terug naar Oegstgeest plot

Back in Oegstgeest, sitting at his father's deathbed, Jan tries to reminisce about everything that happened in his life. Through an accumulation of more or less bizarre events and anecdotes from the thirties and forties, Jan tries to complete the jigsaw puzzle of his past.

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Haven't read the book yet, but the movie is good. It's actually a biography of Jan Wolkers and that's what I like about it, that we can see a bit about Wolkers' youth. Acting was good. The settings and backgrounds of the 30s and 40s have been given less attention and many things seem just 80s but the atmosphere was good.

Also btw the first Theo van Gogh film I've seen.

But for this fascinating biography a 3.5*

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Wim T. Schippers as a corpse shaver is a highlight in Dutch cinematography. Furthermore a rather confusing story (don't know the book, am not a Wolkers fan, too grotesque and forced for me) with cheap blue hue and too fragmentary school plays, but perhaps everything fits perfectly to reveal a twisted mind. Theo van Gogh has certainly done his best, but I could not discover a talented filmmaker in it.

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